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Lumibib's Changelog
New updates and improvements to Lumibib
Search releases
8 January 2023

L'interface d'administration de Classy a été modifiée et mise au goût du jour.


  • Nouvelle interface graphique

  • Gestion des utilisateurs ayant accès à l'interface d'administration

  • Possibilité d'inviter des utilisateurs avec leur adresse email

  • Gestion des classifications

15 June 2021

All great things around you were not built in a day, some took weeks, quite a few of them took months and a rare few even decades. As builders, our quest is to reach for that perfect product that solves your problems and adds value to your lives, and we too realise it will be a journey of minor and major improvements made day after day.

This is where we will share that with you. You might not notice all of them, you might not use all of them, but we'll make sure you're aware of every new thing we